Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blog Assignment One

Blog Goal

To compose a 250-300 word blog that summarizes a critical essay on Fanny Fern and evaluates it according to your own reading of the novel.  

Blog Assignment
For this blog, you will read a short critical essay on Fanny Fern. You will briefly summarize the main arguments in the essay (one paragraph, 4-7 sentences). You will finally compare something from the essay you find interesting to a moment from the novel (a short passage) that you think explains it, contradicts it, refutes it, or troubles it (one paragraph, 4-10 sentences).

You may want to compose first within Microsoft Word, and then paste your writing into your blog. 


Go to the LaGuardia library home page (HERE). 

Click on "Find Books and Articles Online."

Select "Alphabetical List of Subscription Databases."

Select "J" so you can find "JSTOR."

Search JSTOR for "Fanny Fern Ruth Hall."

Find the article "Anger in the House: Fanny Fern's Ruth Hall and The Redrawing of Emotional Boundaries in Mid-Nineteenth Century America" by Linda Grasso.

Read it. It's ten pages, the first of which is just three opening quotes. The last two pages are just notes, which may or may not interest you.

Blog Audience

Your audience will be your classmates, students from other English classes at LaGuardia, and others from outside the class. In order for your blog to make sense, you'll have to open with a couple sentences explaining what your blog is about and why you're writing it. The voice you can take is "professional casual," which means you can use the first person "I" and you can discuss your emotional reactions, but it also means that you're going to stay focused, use scholarly vocabulary, and cite your source (as well as leave a bibliography). For reminders about MLA citation, click HERE.

Be sure to give your blog a nifty title.

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