Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Class News

Missing Class

As per the syllabus, missing more than one class (four hours) means that students can technically be failed for the course. If you have missed more than one class, or plan to, you must come talk to me about it. Any student who fails to discuss their absences can face serious consequences.

Key Terms Quiz

There will be a "key terms" quiz tomorrow to begin class. I will allow 30 minutes for the two part quiz. The first part of the quiz will ask you to choose two of four terms to define: dues ex machina, victorian novel, sentimental novel, and/or catharsis.

The second part of the quiz will ask you to define one of two terms and pair that definition with a literary example. The two terms are narrative and bildungsroman.

Students were given a handout with the terms "narrative," "dues ex machina," and "catharsis." If students missed class and want to study those terms, pair them with the name "Aristotle" in their searches.

Peer Review and Revising Drafts

For an insight into what was missed, please see the "blogging the peer review" post from yesterday.

New Blog Due Date (blog three)

Blog number three will be assigned Saturday morning, and will be due Tuesday next week.  

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